| simply incredible |
yes, in the words of dimple, unicamp was absolutely "UH-mazing"
i've said it before and ill say it again, there are some QUALITY people in UniCamp. It is such an absolute honor to be working with such awesome people with an incredible passion for the kids and UniCamp's cause. where else could i not shower for a week, clean biffys (bathroom in the forest for you), munch on a handful of dirt and sticks, sing songs til my voice croaks, play 'jig-a-lo' and 'ride-that-pony' everyday, learn how to do the clownwalk and fishhead, build a boat out of cardboard and watch momo swim in it..haha, get cornrows and palmtrees in my hair, go on a night hike, have a bear scare, watch the wonders of taiko drums, get woodsey-courted, break up freakiness with the flashlight dance, take a picture with a shoebox camera, and get to know 8 amazing young girls? ...all in one week. unicamp...duh.
and for your viewing pleasure...
Unit 2- Two Divine
top: cherry, thing 1, cookie, ace, licorice, coconut
bottom: minnie mouse, tigger
my awesome co, momo...(you can just call us kneemo :D)
session seven baby!
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