Thursday, December 13, 2007

| grad school lessons |

wk 1- if you're not ahead, you're already behind.
wk 2- everyone else feels just as lost and overwhelmed as you do. you are not alone.
wk 3- you are thinking one of two things: (a) there needs to be more hours in a day or (b) if only sleep were optional.
wk 4- what you wrote in your paper at 3am makes very little sense at 8am the next morning...when you turn it in.
wk 5- you ask yourself, when do i actually start enjoying this?
wk 6- once you make it thru the good, the bad, & the will need a beer.
wk 7- postmidtermitis is not your friend. neither are papers.
wk 8- starting a paper early still does not prevent having to pull an all-nighter.
wk 9- study groups are your best friends.
wk 10- B's get Master Degrees.
FINALS WK- remind mr. brain to not shut off after week 10.


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