Tuesday, February 24, 2004

| doobie doobie doooo!|
this past weekend was pretty dang good (: good balance of a lot of things. went down to SD to hang out with the lovely aileen. we grabbed some lunch at ichiban (pretty good stuff) went to fashion valley where we walked around in the rain, talking about random things. it's always a pleasure to hang out and talk to that chica cuz we connect on so many things (she's like my long lost twin...haha) but our personalities shore are different! one of the main things we talked about was religion (which has been the topic of conversation as of late). I dunno, it used to be the case that religion was something that i never knew about. talk of christianity was nonexistent in my life. a couple of years ago, it became something that i embraced. something that i found to be quite intriguing and something worth pursuing. and then most recently, it found it's way back to the other side of fence. and now i'm just stuck in the middle of it all. hehe (seeing that i'm takin a philosophy of religion class) I've come to realize a lot of things about faith, religion, and God but most of what is going on in my head I probly wouldnt be able to put down in words (i'm not so eloquent with words as some ppl :P)...but here goes:
I live life the only way that i know how, unless i learn otherwise. I'm a realist and theres not too much that i can do about it. One thing that ive learned recently is that you cannot choose to believe. As much as i would like to know God or bring myself to pursue Him, I can't force myself into believing in Him. I need my reasons, my experiences, the 'feelings'. I alway wonder who this God is that people speak of? Is it the true God? or is it a creation, conjured up from their mind combined with a fervent longing for something good to hold on to in such a sinful and corrupt world? or is it all that they've ever known? I'd like to think of myself as an open-minded person. I am down for the possibility of a lot of different things, and the existence of God is one of them. There's something wrong, that is.. to me, when i sit down with a person and i ask them: "would you say that there is a possibility that God might not exist?" and for them to shake their heads. in that case, our conversation is pretty much over. It's a one way street from their point of view. (i guess the up-side in my indecisiveness is that i dont cling on to one thing, narrowing the view i may have on other ideas on a topic, that could very well be quite compelling) In all honesty, i think there are ppl out there who don't really know what it is that they believe or at least they don't convey it very well. I can ask questions and what i hear in response are textbook answers...such cliche responses. really, i think if you wanted to reach ppl and i mean in the deepest sense, i you would speak from the heart, no matter how simple it sounds. I don't need to hear the words "sovereignty" or "glorifying". i respect those who have found truth in their lives and are holding on to something that keeps them on the right path. i appreciate the talks with ppl who want to share this joy they have in their lives. but i think it's very similar to one of those 'you just had to be there moments'...it's a 'you have to experience it yourself' kinda deal and i'm down for that. but where i am at, being the person i am, this is me and that's pretty much the picture at the moment *flashes crest smile* ;) as much as i hope that it was, life isn't simple. you learn from living and thats what i'm doing. life is short. live it up. go beyond your limits. ok..now this is just me rambling... heh (:
anywhos...religion is on the roar. it brings out the tiger in people. *rawr* hehe. heated discussions, confusion, huh?s hegh?s and what do you mean?s. understandably, it's very difficult for people to be on the same page, but i really think that you can learn a lot from people, as long as you're willing to share and more importantly, listen. there are times when ppl wont really listen to what you're saying, they're listening for ways to blow you out of the water, to strike you down (i know...i do it too) but such is life...errrr still rambling. well more on this when it comes to mind :P
anyways..back to my weekend. aileen and i got some el cotixan burritos for dinner (apparently the UCSD college student experience..hehe) then sat around watching tv and then went to PB to a bar called Typhoon Saloon. That was pretty interesting, my first bar experience. Didnt drink tho, just kinda danced the night away with the one-woman-soul-train Aileen...haha (:

aileenda | me, kristie, aileen

Went home on Sunday to visit the fam. That was cool. Had some yummilicious food. Introduced Aileen to the chaos food experience..hehe. then uh came back up to LA, did some taebo with vinh and then chillaxed :D

taebo flatulence
seriously...i think taebo should have a disclaimer on it mentioning something about flatulence as a side effect of doing tae-bo...haha. now i've been doin the tape for a while and only recently has farting become a problem....and it all started with vinh! (hmm...i wonder if he minds that im writing about this..hehe) it's ok, im very open about my burping and farting, which freaks him out sometimes..haha but hopefully he wont mind :P it's quite interesting because i think it's spread to me. we usually go into the hallway for a second to pass the gas and then resume our punching and kicking fest. :P uh..right. that was just really random. anywhos....sleeeeeeepie time. LMU game tomorrow! weee