Thursday, April 21, 2005

| still alive and well... |

this week has been incredibly long and boring...

My boss is outta town again (Franceland this time) so there is minimal work to be done. Alas, I have resorted to updating my blog, which I have been neglecting to do in quite a while. That's funny because I remember when I first started my blog, I always had something to say. I took note of weird things in my day that would make a good entry :P and I always had something interesting to share or just put out there. My entries then slowly slinked into just recaps of the events in my day and then regressed even further into just pictures with captions. And in desperate moments to post anything, I filled out questionnaires and put them up...haha. so much for quality blogs eh? :P

well, what news do I have to report? not too much really. My days are pretty routine. I work [9-5], go home to eat and then, on most days, head off to the gym where I sweat the night away. On my no-go-gym days, I play guitar, do artsy fartsy design projects, clean, or just watch a movie. Sounds like a pretty simple life eh? hah. i wish...

I think the most drama/excitment goes on in my head. I am constantly thinking about at least 5 things at once, probably all unrelated. I think i think too much <-see?! Aside from the typical "what am I gonna have for dinner?" or "What am I gonna do at the gym?" thoughts, my brain cranks on stuff so complicated that its difficult for even me to understand. Sometimes I just feel confused- i think a certain way, but act another way, but wish I were some other way. No, I'm not a schizo...I'm just in the process of trying to find the true figure out what I want to do with my life and what it is that I want to live for. I am searching for my passions. I long for some sort of pull one way or another to guide me...a sign herpaps? No...that would be too easy, and life is not easy. Not to say that I am not content with how my life is now, but every now and then I get restless or anxious or worried. It's almost as if the future kinda pokes at me and says, Remember me? I'm coming whether you want me to or not. At times, I'm excited about what the future holds in store for me, but sometimes it scares the living bajeebers outta me (fortunately, more so the former). My life is in a transitional phase. Part of me is still that college student hanging around campus, playing around, having fun, living in the moment...and another part of me wants to put the wheels of "real life" in motion- i.e. putting my efforts into the long term aspects of life. But alas, I know I am not ready to make a I will settle for baby steps. As long as I'm moving forward, I think I'll be okay (:

...just waiting for some peace of mind.


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