Tuesday, May 22, 2007

| time flies... |

its amazing how fast life just sneaks by you. ppl always say hey, live a little, life is short. no sir....it is in fact the longest thing that we will ever do. live. but the time in which we spend doing things always seems short eh? esp if its something that we enjoy. so i guess that's really what ppl mean. in view of all the things we would like to try, accomplish, conquer...our time is indeed limited.

college, grad school, law school, med school, marriage, babies, families. it's amazing to see the ppl around me reaching these milestones. i forget that ppl grow...and change...and mmove on to bigger and better things, haha. i guess i kinda always see the world through the same eyes...the same frame of reference. my cousins david and kevin will forever be 13 (and not strapping young men about to graduate high school), my cousin jenbear is forever 16 (not the funky young college kid with amazing artistic talent and vision), i am still 19 and stuck in my college bubble (and not approaching the quarter century mark), my sister stu is still that skinny twig i used to beat up all the time (not a wife and loving mother to an adorable 7mo cutie), swan and vinh are in their 4th year of dating (not 11th, haha) and the world is just a better place. but hey, life moves fast. so best to pony up and pull down (: embrace life with (somewhat) reckless abandon. you'll definitely have more fun that way.

future, take my hand. bring it cuz i'm ready.


At 11:50 AM, Blogger Huy said...

You're so optimistic! =)


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