Friday, March 21, 2008

| grad school. take 2 |

wk 1- request to rescind that statement said during winter break (yeah, the one about being ready to go back to school)
wk 2- much improved class schedule + no work= more study time + exercise!= much happier linda. simple math really...
wk 3- with enough grad school papers under your belt, all nighters are a thing of the past! ;)
wk 4- quiz + exam + exam + presentation= very little sleep but oddly enough, lots of adrenaline-driven, on-the-verge-of-delirium energy
wk 5- where the hell did half the quarter go?
wk 6- i heart climbing! :D ...oh i'm sorry, am i suppose to be talking about school? um, i heart nursing school! :D
wk 7- when you narrow down an answer to two choices, 90% of the time you will choose the incorrect one. it will take you 2 seconds after you turn in your test already to realize it.
wk 8- indirect percussion. so cool.
wk 9- enjoy the calm before the storm. then prepare to get punched in the face by papers and tests.
wk 10- 6 papers? what? i officially hate health care systems.
finals wk- its amazing how time flies when you really need it to slow down most (i.e. when you need to cram massive amounts of info into your brain)


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