| what a bomber week! ;) teehee |
Gym, my pseudo-boyfriend - so blaze, zoob, and i decided last week that we are gonna hit the gym every morning at like 8ish to work out, rather than fighting for weights with the massive crowds in the afternoon/evening. it's been purty dang nice :D i've even started going twice a day to visit Gym (yep..this is a serious relationship we're talkin bout :P) lift in the morning, then after work, i head over for some running or vball or bball or rockwall or uh...the newfound sport of racquetball! blaze and i played racquetball for the first time ever on monday. it was pretty fun even tho we didnt really know how to play..haha :P but once we found out, he kicked my booty ;\ alas, this is something ill hafta work on :D
Uni my camp - had a "pirates of the carribean"-themed co-revs on tuesday (basically when we find out who are Co's are and which group of kids we're working with) We ran around 3rd Street for about an hour doing strange strange activities...hehe but it was totally awesome :D The ending was pretty dang cool too. We got scrolls of paper with either a question or an answer on it. then each person with a question would read it aloud and then their Co would read the answer outloud and voila! you've found your Co!! My co is Momo :D and we got Unit 2 (middle oldest girls) so exciting!
Momo: what's a pirate's favorite cookie?
Kneetoad: ships ahoy!
Film my Music - so my one and only class suddenly got boring last week...with really boring guest speakers...to the point where i was falling asleep in class ;\ but! on thursday, we had the best class ever! we had a guest speaker talk about music from disney animated films! it was so awesome. we watched clips from Snow White (which i totally zonked out during since i've seen it a MILLION times thanks to babysitting AnnaBanana- she called the ugly witch "funny man" haha...aww i miss her!), Jungle Book, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, and my FAVORITE EVER- Emperor's New Groove! so cooooool :P yay for disneys and its music!
Rock my Wall -adventures at the rockwall! so i've been trying to go every thurs and fri to climb and it's become my new favorite activity! how fun has that been?! well, lemme tell ya! :P today was pretty neat. i learned how to lead ("to climb starting with the rope on the ground clipping into protection points on the way up")< uh huh..what that definition said... (thanks to my mentors tony and ken, hehe- you guys are too cool! but not cool enough to get out of treating me and nikki to dinner...muahaha) anyway, whoooo...talk about burning muscles ;P but it was sooooo cool. it was challenging, frustrating, and quite rewarding rolled up into one.
Stock my ton -yay for the three-day weekend (even tho i have a 4-day weekend every week, muahaha, i know youre jealous ;) but we're goin up north to Stockton to visit the relies (yah..they all live up there. why? i have no idea...) can't wait! i havent seen my cousins in forever! okie, ive run outta things to say..hehe have a great weekend everyone!
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